Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Another trip to Grand Haven

This morning I "got" to go into Grand Haven again to report for jury duty.  Only 7 jurers needed today and I didn't get picked so I was on my way home again by 10:30.  Only one more day left of jury duty possible so we will just see what tomorrow brings.  

It's a rainy cloudy day so maybe I can get some stuff done in the house today.  I have started sorting through things in the basement and have a few boxes to take away to the mission so that is my goal today and also to pay some bills.  I know that sounds like pretty simple goals but it seems the day can just fly by and I keep getting distracted by other things - like writing on my blog :-).  So I will keep this short and get my "rear in gear"!!!!

1 comment:

Lana Mae Kamer said...

Yeah, blogging can get to be a real addiction. I confess to "wasting" a good amount of time on it-but I like it!!