Sunday, March 30, 2008

Why it's called Paradise!

Well, it's another weather report but I can't help it when it's the perfect day.  We got up and walked over to the coffee shop for "breakfast" and it was just SOOOO nice!!  Blue sky, 75 degrees and just a very light breeze.  (Sorry to all of you in the cold north!!).  We went in time to get back for church but ran into a "friend" and got talking so........ didn't make it back home in time.  :-(  I think I can listen to the message on a pod-cast later though.  :-)

Larry has to do some traveling this week so I will try to get some "stuff" done and maybe see some friends in the area too.  Then Jamie and the kids will be here on Friday!!  Can't wait!!  But I will enjoy my "quiet" days until they get here and try to have things ready for when they are here. 

Sorry we missed the Hilldore "postponed" Easter but like Larry said, we were there in spirit.  Hope you all enjoyed it even without us!!

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