Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Melody says.........

Melody says it's time to blog again.  Yes, I admit, I'm very bad at this. 

 To catch up with the last two weeks........

Larry went "home" to Holland for a few days and then to Saudi Arabia!  The first week he was gone I drove up to Bradenton to see my mom and day for a couple nights.  Nice to spend time with them and see where they are staying this winter.  Mom Hilldore and Aunt Shirley and Uncle Ray came to visit on Sunday (the 15th) and I picked them up in Punta Gorda at the airport there since they could fly directly there from Kalamazoo.  They were going to stay until Thursday but we talked them into staying until Sat. so Larry could spend some time with them too.  Larry got back on Thurs. morning after a 16 hr. flight from Kuwait to Atlanta and then another 1 1/2 hrs from Atlanta to Ft. Myers.  I picked him up at 9:30 am on Thurs.  We had a great time with Mom and Ray and Shirley.  I took them to Ft. Myers Beach on Tues. and to Sanibel and Captiva on Wed.  We spent a bit of time in the car but I think they enjoyed it.  Larry took us for a boat ride to Grandma Dot's on Sanibel on Thurs.

Tim and Elizabeth and kids - Alisha, Matthew and Jacob arrived Sunday evening and spent two nights here.  They were busy with Elizabeth's mom for the day Monday and then met her today in Imokolee for an airboat ride on Tues.  Then they were headed up to Bradenton to see Mom and Dad for a couple nights before heading back north again.

Allison arrived Monday night and will be here until next Monday while Larry and Travis are at the show in Indianapolis.

Hmmmm.......not much else happening here - the weather is finally feeling a bit more "Florida-ish" with the high in the mid to upper 70s to 80.  It has been a cool winter so far but certainly not as cool as up north!!

Oh, also read a great book that I would recommend to anyone to read.  It is "A Grace Disguised" by Jerry Sittser.  It is about "catastrophic loss" - definitely good for anyone who has suffered a loss but I think very thought provoking for anyone.

Friday, February 6, 2009

The weekend after THE weekend!

Wow!  Can't believe it is Friday again already!  The weekend with the nieces was great!  I think we all had a great time.  They left again Monday afternoon and I just don't know where the rest of the week went and how it got to be Friday again. 

Anyway, just a few pictures from last weekend.

                                                       Uncle Larry and his 8 nieces

                   Danielle and Alisha were the first two of the 8 to get a manicure and pedicure!!

                                                 At the airport - time to go home with their new Mac books!